Case Study : Home Extensions 2


We were asked to assist with a planning application for a large residential curtilage extension. The site was in the green belt.


Homeowner; Appraisal and Strategy; Planning Application; Specialist Reports; East.


East Herts District Council


The extension was required due to the restrictive nature of the garden curtilage. The location of the existing rear garden wall provided minimal space forcing the residents to use the front garden, which was in close proximity to a busy road, to enjoy any quality external space.

The key issue was the rural location of the site and its situation within the green belt; such designations are heavily restricted and planning is strictly monitored.


We argued that the creation of a rear residential curtilage at the property was essential for the applicant's family so that they could have a private and safe recreational amenity space away from the main road.

National policy supports this, omitting curtilage extensions from the definition of "inappropriate development" in the NPPF, which puts great weight on considering local needs. The provision of a suitable rear garden for a family home coincides with paragraph 57; improved living space, and paragraph 9; improving the conditions in which people live, work, travel and take leisure within the NPPF. We also justified how the proposed plans met the requirements of Local Policy too.

The proposals for the scheme were carefully designed by Landscape Vision Ltd to ensure that there was no detrimental impact on the green belt or rural landscape. The methodology behind the design was to ensure improvement to the rural character, reducing pressure on the front garden, and increasing biodiversity.

We were able to successfully justify the curtilage extension and permission was approved without delay and on-budget. This provides a prime example of the importance of reviewing each case on its individual merits.