
Appeal win for remodelling of family home in Brentwood, Essex

ExtensionappealPlainview Planning are delighted with our latest success at appeal which has secured planning permission for multiple extensions and the linking of a detached outbuilding to a residential dwelling in Brentwood, Essex.  This will provide much needed extra living space and ancillary accommodation for our client’s family.

The challenge:

The scheme had been recommended for approval by the case officer, but it was refused at Brentwood Borough Council’s planning committee due to concerns over the perceived impact on the character and appearance of the host dwelling, the surrounding area, and neighbouring amenity.

Plainview Planning was then instructed to assist and, after a thorough assessment of the refused application. felt the scheme was ripe for appeal.

The solution:

Our planning consultants set about compiling a robust appeal statement which reviewed the potential impact of each proposed extension in turn, and then assessed them against local policy.  This demonstrated that the planning officer’s report was robust and had presented the correct assessment of the proposals, as the scheme was demonstrably fully compliant with both the NPPF and Brentwood Replacement Local Plan.

Further to this we also identified a number of previous applications and approvals for extensions to properties close by which highlighted the need for continuity in decision making.

The Planning Inspector deemed that the extensions would be proportionate and that the design was not overly dominant.  The Inspector noted precedent for such schemes nearby and felt this further mitigated concerns of impact on the street scene.

The appeal was allowed.

About us:

Plainview Planning are an independent town and country planning consultancy.  We offer expert assistance with planning applications, appeals, enforcement and change of use applications across the householder, commercial and developer sectors.  If your planning scheme requires informed and professional planning support, contact the team at Plainview via: